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Holiday storm hits Tofino - Ucluelet as Mother Nature closes 2023 with a bang

Pacific Rim National Park Reserve announces extreme wave hazard advisory
Storm watchers admire the waves at Ucluelet’s Amphitrite Lighthouse. (Westerly News file photo)

The West Coast has awoken to a Christmas Day storm.

An extreme wave hazard advisory is in effect as the Tofino-Ucluelet region is expecting Mother Nature to close out 2023 with a boom.

The Pacific Rim National Park Reserve, located between Tofino and Ucluelet, is urging the public to practice extra caution on beaches and shorelines as high tides and storm surges are expected from Dec. 25-28.

“During this time period, combined seas are expected to reach up to 5-6 metres. Large wave conditions and storm surge will create strong currents and upper-shoreline flooding,” the advisory states.

“Beaches can go from completely dry to several feet under water in only seconds. These surges can be powerful and unpredictable and have the potential to float or roll logs. When combined with high tides, waves can breach areas beyond the upper shoreline, including parking lots.”

The Park Reserve is advising visitors and residents to avoid water activities and to stay a safe distance away from the water’s edge, especially along rocky shorelines.

Anyone hoping to witness nature’s power is encouraged to view the stormy waves within the park Reserve from the Kwisitis Visitor Centre’s Observation Deck or Florencia Bay Look-out.

The advisory adds that Park Reserve staff will monitor the situation and some beach areas and parking lots may be temporarily closed for visitor safety.

LED screens throughout the Park Reserve will offer updates and anyone planning to visit the area is encouraged to brush up on their shoreline safety at

“Your safety and the safety of all visitors remain our top priority. We kindly request your assistance in sharing this information to ensure everyone is well-informed and can take necessary precautions,” wrote Pacific Rim National Park Reserve Superintendent Dave Tovell while circulating the advisory.

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Andrew Bailey

About the Author: Andrew Bailey

I arrived at the Westerly News as a reporter and photographer in January 2012.
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